HIV positive: What now?

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Initially, a positive HIV test is a shock to most people. Many people are afraid of illness and death. It is difficult to imagine how life will go on.

Most importantly: Your life is most certainly not over! Highly effective medication makes it possible for most HIV-positive patients to lead a nearly normal life and prevents them developing AIDS. If you became infected in recent years, your life expectancy is probably hardly any lower than for other people.

HIV positive and alone?

It is often difficult to deal with a positive test result on your own. Many people with HIV want to learn more about the infection and exchange experience with other HIV-positive people. 

“Positive meetings” are one possibility; they make it possible to spend several days with other HIV-positive people in a relaxed atmosphere. In many towns, there are also self-help groups where you can exchange notes, find new friends and get involved. Information can be obtained from HIV/AIDS service organizations; addresses can be found here.