Safer sex

In Germany, safer sex is understood to be methods that prevent transmission of HIV during sex.
Each of the following three safer sex methods provides protection from HIV transmission if applied correctly:
Condoms and femidoms protect you from HIV during vaginal sex (penis in the vagina) and anal sex (penis in the bum) and reduce the risk of infection with other sexually transmitted diseases. For anal sex or when the vagina is dry, you should always use a lot of oil-free lubricant gel (lube) to avoid injury. The lubricant also reduces the risk of damaging the condom. Further information
Treatment as Prevention: People with HIV take HIV medication to stop the virus from replicating in the body. In this case HIV can no longer be transmitted during sex. Further information
PrEP (short for “Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis”): With PrEP, an HIV-negative person takes HIV medication that protects against becoming infected with HIV. Further information